Cleanse and Detox Menu

Gourmet Nutrition
Lifestyle Disease Management
All ages


  • Ease Stress
  • Feel Energetic
  • Look Youthful
  • Stay Nutritionally balanced Improve overall health


The Cleanse and Detox menu is generally a short-term dietary intervention, designed after a detailed consultation to lower and eliminate toxins from your body.

These can help with:
  • Healing the body after long periods of medication
  • Calming the GI tract after excess Indulgences

Health Benefits include:

  • Enhanced Energy
  • Weight Loss
  • Better Digestive Health
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Book a 30 mins consultation, so that we meet and understand your current nutritional and lifestyle habits. We will also do a 10 mins power session to activate your Qi/prana/energy along your meridians. You will experience instant vitality. Sounds good?

    You are as unique as your fingerprint, and trying someone else's diet or lifestyle may not work for you.

    It is important that together we learn how your body works, understand your health goals and then create the best lifestyle program for you.

      Register now for an rejuvenating workshop on the last Friday of every month. Limited seats only!

          This includes recipe tips, handouts, making informed choices on packaged food labels, right choices for different times of the day based on individual needs.

          The scientific benefits of meditation on the physiology of the brain are well understood.In just thirty minutes I will guide you on how to calm an overactive mind, bring your focus to the ‘ now’ and emerge feeling sharper, clearer and refreshed. With practice, you can take even ten minutes of such mindful breaks and truly get more out of your day and relationships, with lesser stress and effort.

          Some of the techniques include:

          • Gibberish Meditation
          • Mindful Running Meditation
          • Anapana Sati Meditation
          • Kundalini Meditation
          • Chakra Sound Meditation

          If we are in tune with our bodies, we can catch these signals, take timely action and guide our mind and bodies into vibrant health.

          I can work with you and your teams to:

          • Learn to listen to early warning signals
          • Choose foods that positively impact optimal weight, gut health and mood
          • Choose personally suited, time efficient hacks and practices for fitness, muscle and body tone.
          • Unlock the flow of energy through your body
          • Learn to listen to early warning signals
          • Choose foods that positively impact optimal weight, gut health and mood
          • Choose personally suited, time efficient hacks and practices for fitness, muscle and body tone.
          • Unlock the flow of energy through your body
          • Clear mind and emotions for sharper decision making.

          Whether WFH or hybrid working, my strategies are adaptable and support your teams where they need it the most.

          Midlife ( 35 - 45yrs ) also coincides with an important phase in women’s life known as Peri-Menopause. This crucial life phase for most women starts with imperceptible hormonal changes which remain unattended to, till they disrupt mind and body rhythms.

          At 51, I can happily declare that, in the last fifteen years I have navigated through this mind-body revolution and all symptoms effortlessly with the right nutrition, specific exercises and other lifestyle modifications.

          My ‘M-power Me’ 90 minute workshop aims to confront, demystify scientific facts and provide simple, yet effective strategies for women to improve hormonal health, feel and perform at their best. Thereafter, I offer bespoke individual programmes.

          My programmes are insight and evidence based and have met with consistent success in partnerships with corporates like yours.