My Journey
Up Close & Personal
Although we always ate healthy, mom’s poor health revealed how one needs to completely revisit lifestyle post forty in order to stay fit, be stress-free, have more energy, strength and happiness. By the early 30’s I also began to realise that the body metabolism is different at every age and needs different diet and fitness regimes. For example the same workout I did in the 20’s was not working in the 30’s.
Armed with this insight, along with many years and certifications later, I am a wellpreneur, a menopause coach, a specialist in preventive health. I continue to research, train and evolve as new facts and knowledge come to light in this area. My mother has been active and fit for the last three decades and this was made possible only by changing lifestyle and staying health-focussed.
I would be delighted to share my learnings and all these secrets with you! Shall we begin?
Love & Light – Lovina