Reverse ageing with the power of your mind

What was your reaction the last time you noticed any of the following? 

A strand of white hair while combing your hair?

Fine lines on your face, which were never there before?

Are your eyes looking puffy and tired?

Did you feel some panic? Did your heart skip a beat at the thought of growing old? 

In today’s youth and the beauty-driven world, while some people associate ageing with losing beauty, to others getting older may also trigger serious anxieties about losing physical ability, becoming sick or dying. Although some of us may not admit it, thinking about the journey of getting older can be slightly frightening to most. 

A study conducted online by Harris Poll on behalf of Pfizer’s Get Old revealed that a whopping 87% of Americans had at least one fear about ageing. A decline in physical ability was feared by 23% of Americans, this was followed by the fear of declining memory at 15%, both having a serious ailment or financial losses at 12% each and the fear of dying at 10%. As much as we may deny it, ageing does change things and we all in our unique ways, are seeking solutions for eternal youth.

Is there anything we can do to reverse ageing? 

If we accept, that our minds and bodies are connected in exceptional ways; the possibilities are limitless! 

Ellen Langer, a young Harvard psychology professor, made a stunning discovery, “without knowing someone’s chronological age, science cannot pinpoint how old someone is.” This study revealed the transformative power of the human mind and how it is possible to reverse the ageing process both psychologically and physically. 

In this landmark 1979 “counterclockwise” study, a group of elderly men were placed in an environment that was set in a style 20 years prior- the year 1959. The interiors of the place were designed to reflect the customs and conditions of that year: including a black-and-white TV, old furniture, magazines and books from that era. The men were then asked to act like they were in 1959 and also asked to recall memories from that year in the present tense. 

This fascinating study revealed, how after just over a week, by challenging cultural cues about ageing psychologically, many signs of ageing appeared to reverse physically too. The men not only started looking and feeling younger but also demonstrated a noticeable improvement in hearing, eyesight, memory and ability. The “aha!” moment of this study was when those men who came using canes, and were dependent on the help of their children; left the place under their power, carrying their suitcases! 

What triggered this fascinating transformation? 

By letting the men revisit their past, the mind also started functioning optimally, to trigger biological responses like that of younger persons and similar to how they were earlier. 

Langer and her students treated these men as individuals rather than ” old people” and pushed them beyond their comfort zone to perform all tasks, as they would have as young men. This pressure liberated the men from the shackles of societal “cultural cues” of how old people are expected to behave. It helped them psychologically to push the boundaries of their chronological age and thus transformed them biologically too! 

Ageing or Ageless? 

The truth is both: with each year, every moment, one breath and one wrinkle at a time, we all are ageing. But, when we firmly believe that our chronological age is just another number, we push the limitations of our minds and embark on a joyous journey of “ageless living.” This I say with absolute conviction based on my mother’s life. She turns 88 years young this month.

As a child, I always saw my mother seriously ill and most of my growing years were spent in hospital waiting rooms. She suffered her first heart episode at the age of 45 years. My sister and I grew up watching how unmanaged stress got the better of her mind and emotions and eventually triggered many serious health complications. Although we always ate healthily, mom’s poor health revealed how one needs to completely revisit lifestyle post-forty to stay fit, be stress-free, and have more energy, strength and happiness. My mother has been active and fit for the last four decades and this was made possible, only by changing her lifestyle, staying health-focused and above all, her positive mindset and invincible willpower. 

My mother’s life has demonstrated how embracing an “ageless lifestyle” is to accept our inevitable “ageing” with renewed respect and positivity. Irrespective of our age, it is learning to love life and all its varied adventures ( and mom is ready for a new adventure every day, ha-ha.) Being ageless, is coming to the deep understanding that our mind and emotions profoundly impact our health, happiness, energy, productivity and all of life’s important decisions.

An ageless lifestyle is one of continuous inspiration, growth and making conscious choices for our health and wellbeing. 

This lifestyle needs no magic pills, surgeries or fad diets! 

Eating healthy, managing stress, getting enough rest, staying productive, nurturing relationships, laughing often, and doing regular exercise is all part of a naturally ageless life, at the heart of which is not just a progressive mindset but also one that is open to unlimited possibilities.

Let us defy age. 

Let us scan our horizons for endless breaths of true life. 

Let us embrace our “inner child” each day and keep the twinkle in our wrinkle intact. 

Love & Light – Lovina

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