Hi! I am an

Ageless Lifestyle Coach

I believe that every age is an opportunity to chart a new course and discover a new health high. Here's how you can turn back time, feel younger and stay vibrant.

My Offerings


Ageless Lifestyle Coaching

Discover critical lifestyle choices that can naturally slow down the ageing process. How to course correct, push the boundaries of age and write your own timeline.

Ageless Lifestyle Coaching

Scientific research shows that 90% of ageing is caused by our lifestyle and habits. Here are daily choices that can protect health and help you stay youthful and vibrant. Because you were born that way. And nothing should get in the way of that. Not even age.

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Gourmet Nutrition Coaching

One-on-One diet consults for lifestyle diseases like diabetes or cholesterol. Discover the power of foods that heal, in fascinating gourmet recipes that don’t compromise on taste.

Gourmet Nutrition Coaching

Food not only has the power to nourish, but it can also heal and prevent many lifestyle diseases. Discover lip-smacking diet plans and understand nutrition to elevate your lifestyle in bespoke menus: be it gluten free, anti-inflammatory, menopause or just detox!

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Menopause Transition Coaching

One-on-one coaching for everything you need for peri menopause and onset, to knock hot flushes and the moody blues.

Menopause transition coaching

There’s good news! No more mood swings, energy slumps, disturbed sleep or weight gain. You can get it all back! The bounce, the joie de vivre, the happy hormones. With the right lifestyle choices you can ghost your menopause.

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Ageless Lifestyle Coaching

Discover critical lifestyle choices that can naturally slow down the ageing process. How to course correct, push the boundaries of age and write your own timeline.

Ageless Lifestyle Coaching

Scientific research shows that 90% of ageing is caused by our lifestyle and habits. Here are daily choices that can protect health and help you stay youthful and vibrant. Because you were born that way. And nothing should get in the way of that. Not even age.

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Gourmet Nutrition Coaching

One-on-One diet consults for lifestyle diseases like diabetes or cholesterol. Discover the power of foods that heal, in fascinating gourmet recipes that don’t compromise on taste.

Gourmet Nutrition Coaching

Food not only has the power to nourish, but it can also heal and prevent many lifestyle diseases. Discover lip-smacking diet plans and understand nutrition to elevate your lifestyle in bespoke menus: be it gluten free, anti-inflammatory, menopause or just detox!

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Menopause Transition Coaching

One-on-one coaching for everything you need for peri menopause and onset, to knock hot flushes and the moody blues.

Menopause transition coaching

There’s good news! No more mood swings, energy slumps, disturbed sleep or weight gain. You can get it all back! The bounce, the joie de vivre, the happy hormones. With the right lifestyle choices you can ghost your menopause.

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My Journey

Up Close & Personal

As a child, I always saw my mother seriously ill and most of my growing years were spent in hospital waiting rooms. She suffered her first heart episode at the age of 45 years. My sister and I grew up watching how unmanaged stress got the better of her mind and emotions and eventually triggered many serious health complications. I vowed to stay on top of my health and to never see the inside of a hospital if I could. These early years set me down my path. I began my health journey from the age of 16.

What they said

I feel lighter, fitter, clearer in my mind than ever before with the diet and exercise plan that Lovina tailor-made for me. I have lost 6 kgs, built up muscle tone that I never had before. Her yogurt, berries, seeds and nuts mini meal is the perfect dinner for days at stretch, when you want to knock off some excess gained with partying!
Geetu Verma
Global VP Nutrition and Natural Platforms, UNILEVER
Thanks Lovina for the lovely session. It has been very informative and motivating for me. It gave me a good insight into my lifestyle. The changes I need to make to live to the fullest and in the best of my health. I feel really indebted to you for giving me this insight. I would recommend all my friends to attend a session with Lovina
Priti Sachdev
Nalini Swarup (1)
Hey Ageless Beauty Lovina, I am really happy to take your guidance for eating right (Green juice is an awesome addition). Along with mindful meditation, breathing techniques and weight exercises at home to tone up body and beauty tips, I am feeling more energetic, positive, calm and happy. I urge everyone to try her ageless lifestyle program. Thanks so much.
Nalini Swarup
Jewellery Designer
Lovina, I just want to express my gratitude to you. I had huge menopause issues when I met you. I had bloating, mood swings, body aches and weight issues. It is because of your guidance that I could smoothly drop 4 kgs in just 10 days. Your super, non-starvation diet completely healed my bloating and above all, I did not lose the glow on my face, which is something most diets do. Infact, I feel my skin has improved and has even a youthful glow. Love & Best wishes
Seema Pande ( Menopause Program)
Energy Healer and Access Consciousness Practitioner
Lovina is my health coach for the past 4 years. I’m completely in love with her holistic lifestyle coaching. It has helped me to stay fit and healthy without starving myself in any way. Her nutrition plan works like magic and her health and lifestyle tips have completely transformed my body. I’ve been strictly following various tips given by her and I can't thank her enough for guiding me..
Komal Pawaskar
Model and actor
I’ve lost close to 10 kgs in 5 months. My body didn't respond to exercise post the age of 40 the way it did when I was younger. Lovina was so confident that I would get my form back. She showed me how renegotiating my relationship with my diet and listening to my body’s needs were all it took to rebalance my system to optimize its metabolic functioning.”
Anamika Sanghi (1)
My sessions with Lovina have been a game changer in my life and I’m slowly growing into a healthier, happier and calmer individual. It's a truly holistic plan and works on many different levels whether it's mental or physical and that's the beauty of it.
Anamika Sanghi
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Book a 30 mins consultation, so that we meet and understand your current nutritional and lifestyle habits. We will also do a 10 mins power session to activate your Qi/prana/energy along your meridians. You will experience instant vitality. Sounds good?

    You are as unique as your fingerprint, and trying someone else's diet or lifestyle may not work for you.

    It is important that together we learn how your body works, understand your health goals and then create the best lifestyle program for you.

      Register now for an rejuvenating workshop on the last Friday of every month. Limited seats only!

        Register now for an rejuvenating workshop on the last Friday of every month. Limited seats only!

            Although we always ate healthy, mom’s poor health revealed how one needs to completely revisit lifestyle post forty in order to stay fit, be stress-free, have more energy, strength and happiness. By the early 30s I also began to realise that the body metabolism is different at every age and needs different diet and fitness regimes. For example the same workout I did in the 20’s was not working in the 30’s.

            Armed with this insight, along with many years and certifications later, I am a wellpreneur, a menopause coach, a specialist in preventive health. I continue to research, train and evolve as new facts and knowledge come to light in this area. My mother has been active and fit for the last three decades and this was made possible only by changing lifestyle and staying health-focussed.

            I would be delighted to share my learnings and all these secrets with you! Shall we begin?

            Love & Light – Lovina